Indonesia and its beauties…
Indoensia, a beautiful country with a beautiful soul and yet a struggling situation for many people.
Whoever has the chance to visit this country will fell in love the very first moment they put their feet on the ground. People are kind, helpful and make you feel at home. A reality that make people wanting to come back continuously.
One of the most amazing historic sites on this planet, is situated in the middle of Java (Central Indonesia). It is one of the biggest Buddhist Temple, Borobudur Temple (see picture). This temple is a true gem and a UNESCO site
Traveling to this place is in itself a journey to find peace in your mind and yet a better understanding of what life is.
The economic situation of the region is very much struggling and people are generally very poor. A small institution has been created to support poepole who need the most (you can read more about here). Mrs Vogt a swiss national is actively helping the community from her own country and by traveling to the region once a year :
(Donations can be sent to CH-post-Finance-Konto Nr : 60-303955-5 | Vogt Anne |
IBAN : CH6409000000603039555)
With 2 euros a month you can make the difference, so be generous.